How to deal with Premature Menopause: Navigating Life’s Unexpected Plot Twists

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room: premature menopause. The unexpected plot twist that turns any woman’s life upside down. Whatever the reason for premature menopause, the emotional roller coaster ride it takes you through is unmatched. Below I share how the journey was for me what helped me survive the shock and what my coping strategies are.

The Physical Toll

You are minding your own business, sipping your smoothie, when suddenly, BAM! A hot flash! And this reminds you that lately, the soundtrack of your life is changing to: ‘’It’s getting hot in here’’ Hot flash alert! It’s like your body decided to throw an impromptu heatwave party, and you’re the unwilling guest of honor. This was me at the tender age of 32 (in menopause years anyway) And don’t even get me started on the night sweats – like you were running a marathon in your sleep.

Emotional Rollercoaster During Menopause

The worse part for me was that I had no idea what the freaking heat was about! Menopause was not even in my vocabulary. So much so that, after the doctor told me I was going through premature menopause when I crafted a message to my inner circle of friends to break the news, my phone was so shocked it kept correcting menopause to men of pause! By the way, who comes up with this auto-correct stuff? It felt like even my phone was like girl, what are you doing? What abomination is this?

I felt like a forced takeover was occurring in my body without my consent. I went from seeing articles on menopause in a women’s magazine (mind you, I never read those articles, the headline was enough to send me to the next page without any thought or pause to give it a moment of my time). Still, there I was, feeling like someone just added meno to my pause without any mental preparation. Whoever this person was, definitely did not get the memo that as women, our bodies like to be prepared for any permanent changes in our reproductive system, that is why before we push humans out of our bodies, we get a nine-month lead time!

Impact on Relationships and how to deal with them

Picture this: you’re at a romantic dinner with your partner, trying to enjoy a candlelit meal, when suddenly – whoosh! – a hot flash strikes with the force of a hurricane. Your partner’s confused expression says it all: “Is it getting hot in here, or is it just you?” he says. Cue the awkward laughter and fanning yourself with the menu.

Premature menopause can turn even the most intimate moments into a comedy of errors, leaving both partners scratching their heads and wondering what just happened. I decided to take it in my stride and make humor my secret weapon in the battle against menopausal mishaps. So go ahead, laugh it off, and remember: a little sweat never hurt anyone.

Navigating Work and Career

In the middle of a high-stakes meeting?  Are you trying to pitch your brilliant idea? whoosh! – a hot flash hits you like a ton of bricks. Menopause does not care for your make-it-or-break-it presentation. Suddenly, your eloquent speech turns into a sweaty mess, and all you can think about is that your face must be so shiny your clients can see their reflection. That’s workplace drama and awkward moments I had to navigate during the monthly financial meeting that I had to present.

Financial Considerations

One of the surprises that took a while to sink in was the added financial burden I had to spend on the necessities to deal with the symptoms. 

Self-Identity and Body Image

Let’s face it: premature menopause can do a number on your self-image. One minute, you’re feeling like a confident, badass queen – and the next, you’re staring at yourself in the mirror, wondering where the heck that ‘’tire’’ around your lower belly came from. All of a sudden, you realize that your killer body did not even say goodbye to you.

Coping Strategies and Support

Navigating premature menopause may feel like a rollercoaster ride, however, with plenty of coping strategies and support systems to help you through it, you will never feel alone – the tricky part is mustering the courage to make the first step of figuring out the best support for you. Whether joining a support group or practicing mindfulness, putting yourself out there is the first step. For, me, I first had to let it sink in and accept my lot, then I slowly let my friend in. To all of them, I was speaking a foreign language as we were all in our thirties, I felt like that one friend who got betrayed by their body… it took a while to accept where I was. The little prayers sent to the universe asking for my monthly period back and promising to appreciate the tampon budget went unanswered. There was no turning back!


Empowerment Through Education: I learned that knowledge is power when navigating the wild world of premature menopause. So do yourself a favor and arm yourself with the facts. Read up on the latest research, talk to your healthcare provider, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. After all, knowledge is the ultimate weapon in the battle against menopausal madness!

Sure, premature menopause may throw you a few curveballs along the way, but with a little humor and a whole lot of sass, you can conquer anything that comes your way. Here’s to embracing the madness, laughing in the face of hot flashes, and living your best life – menopause and all!

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